

IMG_1722Millie Tullis (she/her) is a writer, teacher, folklorist, and researcher. She holds an MFA from George Mason University and an MA in American Studies & Folklore from Utah State University. Her work has been published in Sugar House Review, Rock & Sling, Cimarron Review, Ninth Letter, SWWIM, and elsewhere. Raised in northern Utah, she lives in upstate South Carolina. You can find more of her work on her website.


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Shaun Anderson is a writer/baker living in Logan, Utah. He studied creative writing at Utah State University, His work has been published by The Rectangle, Mud Season Review, Sink Hollow, and elsewhere. You can connect with Shaun on Twitter and on his website.



Allie Spikes’s essays and poetry have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, the Rumpus, River Teeth, the Los Angeles Review, Bellingham Review, Literary Mama, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, and others. She was awarded the Centrum Scholarship to the Port Townsend Writers Conference in 2020, and her essays have been shortlisted at Creative Nonfiction, at Fourth Genre for the Steinberg Essay Contest, and for the Pinch Nonfiction Literary Award. She was managing editor of Bellingham Review 2019-2020, and she copy edits manuscripts for Orison Books. Find her at


20230908_135335 - Reyzl Grace MoChridheReyzl Grace is a poet, short story writer, and post-Soviet lesbian Jew from Alaska. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, named a finalist for the Jewish Women’s Poetry Prize and Best Literary Translations, and featured in Room, Rust & Moth, the Times of Israel, and elsewhere. By day, she is a public librarian in Minneapolis—by night, a poetry editor for Psaltery & Lyre and Cordella Magazine. You can find more of her at and on Twitter/Bluesky @reyzlgrace.


0Romana Iorga is the author of Temporary Skin (Glass Lyre Press, 2024) and a woman made entirely of air (Dancing Girl Press, 2024). Her poems have appeared in various journals, including New England Review, Lake Effect, The Nation, as well as on her poetry blog at


Megan McDermott is a poet and Episcopal priest living in Western Massachusetts. She is the author of full-length collection Jesus Merch: A Catalog in Poems (Fernwood Press) and two chapbooks, Woman as Communion (Game Over Books) and Prayer Book for Contemporary Dating (Ethel). Connect with her more at or on Twitter @megmcdermott92. 


DSC_0156Dayna Patterson is a Thea-curious recovering Mormon, a textile artistamateur fungophile, and macrophotography enthusiast. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in AGNI, Bellingham Review, Carolina Quarterly, Crab Orchard Review, Hotel Amerika, Kenyon Review, North American Review, Passages North, POETRY, Sugar House Review, Thrush, Zone 3Western Humanities Review, Whale Road Reviewand others. She is the author of If Mother Braids a Waterfall (Signature Books, 2020), a hybrid collection of poetry and lyric essay that explores her Mormon ancestry and upbringing, her mother’s coming out, and the author’s eventual apostasy from the faith she was raised in. Her second book, a poetry collection entitled O Lady, Speak Again (Signature Books, 2023), explores characters from Shakespeare’s plays—with “irreverent bardolatry” and a Post-Mormon feminist twist. She is also the author of three chapbooks, most recently Titania in Yellow (Porkbelly Press, 2019). 


IMG_5557 - Clara DehlinHi! I’m Clara. I have been a writer since as long as I can remember, whether it was little picture books made of paper stapled together or longer fictional stories & poetry. I love to read, explore new places, hiking outside with my puppy Marshall, and listen to music. I’m so excited to be a part of Psaltery & Lyre!


20230612_182442Izzy Astuto (he/they) is a writer currently majoring in Creative Writing at Emerson College. His work has previously been published by Hearth and Coffin and Renesme Literary, amongst others. Their Instagram is izzyastuto2.0 and Twitter is adivine_tragedy. More information about him can be found here.

IMG_1757 - Letitia JijuLetitia Jiju is interested in the poetry of wave functions, quarks and the little things. Her work appears in Ninth Letter, Passages North, ANMLY, Prism international, trampset and elsewhere. She reads fiction for Longleaf Review and poetry for Psaltery & Lyre. Asides from writing, she is an electronics and communications engineer and works in international trade. Find her on Instagram/Twitter @eaturlettuce, Bluesky

72535C0F-BDA7-4C2F-8810-06F14C2582A5Lizzy Ke Polishan’s work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from Gulf Coast Journal, The Notre Dame Review, and Prism International, among others. She is the author of A Little Book of Blooms, and the recipient of the Eleanor B. North Poetry Prize. Her poetry was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and cats. You can find more of her work on or on Instagram @dizzymiss.lizzy.

0-1Brandon Hansen is from a village in northern Wisconsin. He studied writing along Lake Superior, and then trekked out to the mountains, where he earned his MFA as a Truman Capote scholar at the University of Montana. He is a tutor for the Princeton Review and a fisherman. His work has been Pushcart Nominated, and can be found in The Baltimore Review, Quarterly West, Puerto Del Sol, and elsewhere. Find him on Twitter: @BatBrandon_

imageMatt Stefon lives and writes north of Boston. He studied at Penn State and Boston University, and has been religion editor of Encyclopedia Brittanica, poetry editor of West Texas Literary Review, volunteer reader for Taco Bell Quarterly, English and humanities adjunct at Middlesex Community College, and online religion adjunct at Norwich University. He has one e-chapbook, one micro-chapbook, two print chapbooks, and 463 wiffle ball home runs, which places him on some all-time leaderboard somewhere.

20231022_162212 (1)Amy Poague holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from Eastern Michigan University. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in Guesthouse, Stirring: A Literary Collection, Figure 1, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Rogue Agent, Juked, The Indianapolis Review, and others. She can be found here.

awalexanderAlyssa Witbeck holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of Montana where she was an editor for CutBank. Her work is published or forthcoming in MaydayFiction Attic Press, Miracle Monocle, Rupture, Chestnut Review, and elsewhere. Her essays have been nominated for Best of the Net and won the Original Utah Writing Competition. Based in Utah, she teaches university English composition courses. She crochets an excessive number of stuffed animals, for no real reason. Find her online @alyssawitbeck.

Donna Spruijt-Metz by Alexis Rhone FancherDonna Spruijt-Metz’s debut poetry collection is General Release from the Beginning of the World (2023, Free Verse Editions, Palette Press). She is an emeritus psychology professor, MacDowell fellow, rabbinical school drop-out, and former classical flutist. She was featured as one of ‘5 over 50 debut authors’ in Poets & Writers Magazine (11/23). Her chapbooks include Slippery Surfaces, And Haunt the World (with Flower Conroy) and Dear Ghost (winner, 2023 Harbor Review Editor’s prize).  Her poems appear or are forthcoming in The Academy of American Poets, Tahoma Literary Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and elsewhere.

RWolmanAuthorPhoto (1)A former middle-school principal, learning specialist, and English teacher, Rebekah Wolman is a 2021 winner of Cultural Daily’s Jack Grapes Poetry Prize and the 2022 winner of the Small Orange Emerging Woman Poet Honor. Her recently completed chapbook manuscript is wandering the world in search of a home. A transplant from New England, she lives in SF, CA, on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land, where she lazily tends a native plant garden. Find her on Instagram @rgordonw56.

IMG_0050 - Jackson BylundJack Bylund (he/him) teaches and studies English literature and fiction at Utah State University. He loves contemporary lit, Panda Express, and books about the end of the world.

mg_2214Jacob Taylor is a queer writer based in northern Utah, where they are currently completing an MA in creative writing at Utah State University. They write in all genres and have a special love for experimental forms.